Input hours, calculate, download as PDF

Free Time Card Calculator

Why this Time Card?


  1. Set a custom hourly rate
  2. Overtime tracking
  3. Absence tracking
  4. Add breaks to each day
  5. Show/Hide weekend
  6. 24H or 12H time format
  7. Custom weekly timesheet name
  8. Custom date range

PDF Download

An appealing PDF of the time card can be downloaded and sent to your accounting department. Or your employees can do it themselves.

PDF Time Card Rerport

Send data to other tools

If you want to really crunch down on the numbers you can send the tracked data to your custom URL and than connect it to tools like Google Sheets, Excel, even Zapier.

Time Card send via URL

Embed on your website

Copy this code below and paste it into your CMS under “iframe”.

This will embed the free time card calculator on your website.

Saved settings ready for a bookmark

The custom settings of the time clock calculator can be set straight from the URL. Below is an example and all the shortcodes needed.


  • 24h_format [true/false]
  • add_breaks [true/false]
  • show_weekend [true/false]
  • hourly_rate [decimal]
  • currency [decimal]
  • overtime_hours [decimal]
  • overtime_rate [decimal]
  • overtime_setting [day/week]
  • submit_url [text]

Keyboard friendly input

Inputs were developed in a way that you can quickly move between days without needing to reach for the mouse. When you’re done, click Calculate or Download PDF to get to the final result.


Main settings

  1. Enter a full name for the timesheet title. 
  2. Select date range for the 7-day week. Default is this week.
  3. Change to 24 hour time format, instead of using AM/PM switches.
  4. Add breaks to enter hours for both morning and afternoon shifts.

Aditional settings

  1. Set hourly rate and change the currency, default is USD.
  2. Optionally add absent hours, which can be paid or not. Enter any additional details below.
  3. Overtime can be set in 2 ways: either on a daily or weekly basis. Enter a rate multiplier and when it is applied.
  4. In case you worked over the weekend, enable Weekend under Advanced settings.

Need something more advanced?

Try out My Hours for free

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