Timesheets for your pocket

Free Android and iPhone Time Tracking Apps

Track your work hours anytime, from anywhere.

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Mobile time tracking

Log your work hours with a simple click in the time tracking app.

  • Start, stop or pause tracking instantly
  • Add projects, tasks and tags to logs
  • Add favorite time logs
  • Enter description for each time log
Track work hours
My Hours Mobile time tracking

Organize your work

Edit your projects and add to-do lists and tasks. Keep an eye on your project at all times.

  • Create projects
  • Add team members
  • Create to-do lists and add tasks
  • Oversee your budget and total project hours
Organize with projects and tasks
My Hours Mobile time tracking

Mobile time reporting

Insightful reports on time and billable amount spent on your projects. Ideal for a quick check-up.

  • Custom date range
  • Total hours and billable amout for specific time period
  • Filter by project, client, task or team
  • Reporting on the go
Analyze and report your time
My Hours Mobile time tracking

Set billable rates

Custom billable rates for your projects and additional expenses for time logs.

  • Project, team member, task based rates
  • Non-billable time logs
  • Additional expenses
Set billable rates + add expenses
My Hours Mobile time tracking


Set helpful reminders that help you and your team to remember to track your work hours.

  • Set a daily working routine
  • Notifications to start or stop tracking time
  • Optional for every user
Never forget to start or stop the timer
My Hours Mobile time tracking

Download My Hours mobile app

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You are better off using My Hours

The benefits of using our mobile time tracking app

Track time easily

Always be on top of your time at work with precisely tracking your work hours.

Save money

Get the most money for time spent at work with accurate billing and invoicing.

Find and fix time tracking mistakes

Analyze your work hours with ease, by going through your time logs if needed.

Be mobile

Track time from anywhere at any time with My Hours mobile time tracking.


The burning questions about My Hours and online timesheet apps in general.

What does time tracking on iPhone/Android mean?
How do I track time on iPhone?
How do I track time on Android?
Is there a free app to track hours worked on iPhone or Android?
I have tested similar time  tracking apps but they all have limits. My Hours is without a doubt the most important tool I use in my business.”
- Kevin from St. Petersburg, FL, USA
Read more reviews
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It's always helpful to have someone to talk to when using new software. Get in touch and we'll try our best to help you out.

Waste no more time,
jump right in!

Get started - it’s free
My Hours is free for teams of up to 5 users.