Headquartered in Ljubljana (EU), we employ 100+ people across the entire CEE region. Thanks to our diverse staff and strong belief in constant innovation, we’ve been able to accrue more than 10,000 satisfied customers worldwide and over 1,000,000 daily users of our various solutions.
For the past three decades, we've been at the forefront of workforce management technology. We aim to continue improving upon our solutions and keep pushing the boundaries of workforce management software for many years to come.
We are proud holders of both the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certification, including the latest 27001:2017 and 27001:2018 standards. These certifications represent the highest international standards for managing information security and the quality of management systems. For further details regarding all our certificates, feel free to contact us via email at support@myhours.com or through the chat-box on our webpage.
We are in full compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that enacts rules and regulations pertaining to the rights of individuals concerning their personal data inside the territory of the European Union.
We are fully compliant with The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which gives the residents of California increased privacy rights regarding their sensitive personal information and how businesses are allowed to treat such data.
We follow ALL guidelines concerning timekeeping and accounting rules as set by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), operating as an extended arm of the United States Department of Defence (DOD) and under the direct control of the Under Secretary of Defense.
Thanks to our dedicated team, which has repeatedly shown high levels of expertise and competence in Microsoft technologies, we’ve been able to meet the rigorous requirements set by Microsoft and become a Gold-Certified Partner.
For further details regarding all our certificates, feel free to contact us via email at support@myhours.com, or, through the chat-box on our webpage.
Our servers are hosted on Microsoft's cloud computing platform Azure, with the main database center located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, EU.
By utilizing the Azure platform, We can ensure that our customer’s data is being handled in accordance with all of the latest privacy and security standards.
Our server's host, the Microsoft Azure platform, is in full compliance with the SOC II cybersecurity operations framework set by the Assurance Services Executive Committee (ASEC) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). They regularly undergo third-party audits to ensure AICPA's Trust Services Criteria (TSC) standards are being met and adhered to.
The average server uptime was 99.98% in the past 365 days.
All of the data on our systems is encrypted via the newest TLS 1.3 security protocol (an upgraded version and a successor of the SSL protocol). The TLS security protocol uses sophisticated algorithms to encrypt your data during transit, preventing unauthorized third parties from gaining any access to it.
With the TLS protocol, only the sender and intended receiver can access the data via a decryption key, uniquely generated for every transit point.
We are proactively testing all of our organization's networks, applications, and systems for potential vulnerabilities, exploits, and weaknesses.
We perform regular security penetration tests (RSPT) to stay ahead of the evolving cybersecurity threat landscape and ensure your data and our systems remain secure.
For further details regarding all our pen tests, feel free to contact us via email at support@myhours.com, or, through the chat-box on our webpage.
We constantly monitor our systems to ensure the security and safety of our customer’s data. With a framework that follows all the latest incident reporting protocols, we can manage security incidents and minimize the impact of data breaches.
We prioritize security throughout the entirety of our Software Development Life Cycle by following the Secure Development Life-cycle practices (SDL). We start development with defined security parameters and constantly work on updating them to adhere to all the latest industry standards.
Single Sign-On (SSO) allows administrators to verify user accounts across multiple applications and websites with a single set of credentials.
Microsoft Azure SSO (Entra ID) is currently available as the preferred SSO choice.
The Azure platform that hosts our servers offers the latest in Data Protection Management (DPM) services. All of our customers' data is backed up multiple times per hour, not allowing for a loss of more than a few minutes of data in emergency situations.
Spica and My Hours employees can access customers’ data solely for troubleshooting purposes. This access is restricted, logged, and monitored via secure VPN connections. There are audit trails for all time logs and for every time customers’ data has been accessed.
In accordance with our Data Processing Agreement, we collect the following types of personal data:
The data is fully exportable through XLS or via API. We keep our customers’ data up to 90 days after account closure or less (upon request).
We handle our customers' data alongside a group of sub-processors. To get a complete list, contact us at support@myhours.com.
ISO 27001 is an international regulation standard set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that details various security requirements for setting up the information security system of an organization.
ISO 27001 specifies 14 clauses for security control and additional 144 security controls developed to protect the integrity and data privacy of the organization, as well as the availability of such information.
My Hours - Spica is a proud holder of the ISO 27001 Certification, meaning we are in full compliance with all security protocols set by ISO 27001.
To get access to the complete list of our certifications or request further details about them, contact us via email at support@myhours.com.
ISO 9001 is an international standard set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that details over 350 different requirements for implementing and maintainingquality management systems.
A quality management system defines how a business can meet the requirements of customers and stakeholders, affected by the work they’re doing or the services they’re providing.
ISO 9001 is designed to help businesses and various organizations become more efficient and improve their customers’ overall satisfaction.
My Hours - Spica holds the ISO 9001 certification, meaning that We adhere to all standards for quality management systems set by ISO 9001.
To get access to the complete list of all our certifications or request further details about them, contact us via email at support@myhours.com.
My Hours is a cloud-based smart workforce management solution, meaning We store all of our customers’ data on the cloud. We rely on the Microsoft Azure platform to host our servers, securely storing our clients’ data.
Does My Hours keep a backup of my data?
Yes. Through the Microsoft Azure platform, We generate regular backups, multiple times an hour, to ensure minimal data loss in an emergency situation.
All customer data backups are stored on the cloud via the MS Azure platform, as per our agreement.
GDPR, which we are in full compliance with, requires that all data of EU citizens must be either stored in the EU, where it’s subject to European privacy laws, or within a jurisdiction that calls for similar levels of protection.
At the moment, some of our third-party sub-processors (read our personal data processing agreement to learn more) are outside of the EU but have entered into written agreements with us to adhere to the data protection obligations set by European laws.
If you wish to get the full list of our sub-processors, contact us via email at support@myhours.com.
We keep customers’ data for as long as they have an open account with us. In the case of account closure, which has to be performed via the web application, and in accordance with our data retention policy, we keep customers’ data for an additional 90 days. After the 90 days have expired, we delete said data.
For all who want their data to be removed from our servers sooner or before the usual 90 days retention time period, feel free to contact us via email at support@myhours.com.
No, My Hours does not keep the payment processing data of our users. We rely on Stripe to process payments, and they are the ones who retain such information.
To report any incidents or security problems, contact us via email at support@myhours.com. Our support staff will analyze the situation and respond to your query in a most timely fashion.
We’ve received our Microsoft Gold Certificate for showing high levels of competence and skill in Microsoft technologies and offering free and custom integrations with various Microsoft tools, such as Teams, Azure, PowerBI, and more.
Only 1-2% of all Microsoft partners are Gold-Certified, putting us in the exclusive group of highly-trusted and capable Microsoft partners.
To get access to the full list of all our certifications or request further details about them, contact us via email at support@myhours.com.