Automatic time tracking with Google Calendar

Google Calendar Timesheet

  • Use Google Calendar to track time
  • Use Google Sheets to create reports and custumize them
  • Share your time reports by simply sharing your calendar
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TimeSheet from the Google Calendar

TimeSheet utilizes your Google Calendar as a time recording tool

You simply create entries with #tags in your calendar and TimeSheet  will create full reports about project usage, resource consumption and  project status for you.
Google Calendar configuration for TimeSheet

How it works

Step by step explanation on how to set up the TimeSheet Google Calendar extension.

1. Create a new calendar in Google

Our recommendation is to create a new calendar for  your time recordings. You could technically use your personal calendar,  but once you want to share your time recordings with somebody else, it  would be a lot of work to separate all the entries.

TimeSheet setup first step

2. Create new entries

Within that calendar you can create new entries representing your work hours. Every entry must have a hashtag (#) that identifies the group or project of the work-package. Behind that  tag you can leave a comment to document the work you have done.

For example:
#Project42 Research

TimeSheet setup second step

3. Create a report in Google Sheets

Make sure that the entries start-time and end-time matches your actual time consumption. Once you create a new report, all entries of your calendar that have a #tag in their title will be  used to create a report. You are also able to apply filters.

TimeSheet third step
Fox in a forest with a Laptop using My Hours.

Need something more advanced? Try out My Hours for free

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