Calculate Time Between Two Times

Free Time Duration Calculator

Time Duration Calculator - Time Between Two Times

Use the My Hours Time Duration Calculator to accurately calculate the difference between two times in hours, minutes, or seconds.

How to Calculate Times Between Two Times Manually

Accurately calculating time between two times means finding out the exact number of hours, minutes, and seconds between them. To do that, you should:

1. Choose the start and end time.

You’ll need to subtract the start time from the end time using a particular formula (more on that below).

2. Your start and end time need to be converted to a 24-hour format (i.e. military time).

Any time in the AM will be in the 24-hour format, but for PM time, you’ll need to add 12 to the hours to convert it to military time. 

For instance, if you want to convert 3:00 PM from a 12-hour to a 24-hour format, it would look something like this:

3 + 12 = 15  

3. Work out if the minutes are larger in the start or end time. 

If the minutes are larger in the start time, subtract the start time from the end time. To make it easier, you can separate the hours from minutes and calculate them individually. For example:

15:57 - 8:45 = 15 - 8 and 57 - 45 = 7:12

If the minutes are larger in the end time, add 60 to the start time minutes and subtract 1 from the start time hours, then perform simple subtraction. When you do that, your calculation will look something like this:

15:57 - 8:59 = 14 (15 - 1) : 117 (57 + 60) - 8:59 = 6:58

Days Calculator - Days Between Two Dates

You can use the My Hours Days Calculator to accurately determine the number of years, months, and days between two dates.

How to Calculate Days Between Two Dates Manually?

Here’s an example to help you understand how to calculate the days between two dates manually:

Let’s say you were born on the 1st of July 1980, and you want to calculate how old you are in days as of 5th February 2024. To do that, you should:

1. Subtract the last complete end year from the start year.

1st of July of 2023 - 1st of July of 1980 

2023 - 1980 = 43

2. Convert the result to days

Each year is equal to 365,25 days. The 0,25 is added to account for leap years. With that in mind, the calculation will look something like this:

43 x 365,25 = 15705,75

3. Calculate the number of months between July of 2023 and February 2024

12 months - 7 months (because we start in July) = 5 months in 2023

5 months + 2 months (because of February) = 8 months in total

Divide the average number of days in a year with the number of months in a year to get the average number of days in a month:

365,25 / 12 = 30,44

Multiply the result with the number of months between July of 2023 and February 2024 to get the average number of days:

30,44 x 7 = 213,08

4. Add up the total number of days and round up the number to get the final result

15705,75 + 213,08 + 5 (days for February) = 15923,83

After rounding up, we get that the number of days between 1 of July 1980 and 5 February 2024 is 15924.

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