We at My Hours know engineers; heck, some of us are them. We know the difficulty of your job, the critical thinking it involves, and the outstanding level of fidelity required from you. That’s why we’ve created these free timesheets for engineers – to ease your burden, allow you to track work hours, and manage tasks and projects easily and efficiently.
Roses are red, violets are blue, and our timesheets will track your work hours for you.
Timesheets can help you provide your clients with accurate billing by allowing you to track the exact number of hours you’ve spent working for them. And, if you are dealing with multiple clients at once, with our timesheets, you can easily switch between projects for each client without missing a beat.
Engineers need timesheets for:
Track time without the need to open another tab. Start timer or enter time manually right from the browser extension.
A timesheet calculator does the math and will take all the fun and joy of doing it from you, an engineer. But hey, you’ll still get to input the data yourself, so that’s something.
With a timesheet calculator, you can easily calculate your work hours for each day of the week. Customize hourly rates based on project difficulty and include overtime, lunch breaks, absence days, and more. All the data you input will be added to a single timesheet or timecard, which you can later easily download as a pdf file or send to yourself via email.
Being an engineer is all about the optimization of different processes. Making things better by employing critical thinking, problem-solving, and other unique attributes of the engineering mindset is a huge task in itself. So why add time-tracking and project management to it if you don’t have to?x
By upgrading to time-tracking software, you can easily manage your current projects.
With the My Hours timesheet app, you’ll be able to focus your time on things that matter instead of tedious busy work and administration. With our app, you can easily organize projects for multiple clients, directly from the app’s interface. Add billing rates, either hourly or on a per-project basis. Track the exact amount of hours you’ve spent working for each client, create and send reports to your clients, keep track of your budget, and more.