Getting your team’s performance up, ensuring they finish their tasks on time, and completely eliminating the notion of “dilly-dallying” from your team’s vocabulary is a daunting challenge. But it can be done!
With our free timesheet templates for office teams, taken from the My Hours time tracking app, you’ll get all the information you need to improve the performance of your entire team and turn them into world-class performers envied by all.
Timesheets for office teams are the best way to gather all of the information team leads or project managers need to assess and improve the overall performance of their respective teams. With timesheets, managers can keep track of individual team members' job performance, their suitability for the tasks they’ve been assigned, the time required to accomplish certain tasks, and more.
As an office team, you need timesheets to:
Track time without the need to open another tab. Start timer or enter time manually right from the browser extension.
You can use our timesheet calculator to track your team’s work hours. And, if you pair our free timesheet calculator with our free template timesheet for office teams, you’ll improve your team’s performance in no time.
A timesheet calculator will do all the math for you. You can calculate your team's work hours for each day of the week. Add overtime, absence, breaks, and even weekends for those high-performing team members, and you’ll have no trouble evaluating their performance.
The best way to improve your team's performance is to gather all the required data and evaluate it. This data can be created and gathered manually, but it will be a time sink for both team leads (who need to check that data) and team members (who need to input it).
By enhancing the way you collect data about an office team’s performance, work hours, and task completion rate, you can improve your project management skills with ease.
With our timesheet app, you’ll know exactly when individual team members need encouragement or guidance. You’ll also be able to pinpoint the top performers and use that information to improve the morale and cohesion of your team. Track your team’s tasks, work hours, and project progression, create reports and use them for the company's inner dealings, reviews, and more.