Timesheet for Office Teams

Timesheets for office teams are used by team leaders or project managers to track the number of hours a whole team or individual team members spend working on tasks related to a particular project.

Getting your team’s performance up, ensuring they finish their tasks on time, and completely eliminating the notion of “dilly-dallying” from your team’s vocabulary is a daunting challenge. But it can be done! 

With our free timesheet templates for office teams, taken from the My Hours time tracking app, you’ll get all the information you need to improve the performance of your entire team and turn them into world-class performers envied by all.

Why Timesheets? 

Timesheets for office teams are the best way to gather all of the information team leads or project managers need to assess and improve the overall performance of their respective teams. With timesheets, managers can keep track of individual team members' job performance, their suitability for the tasks they’ve been assigned, the time required to accomplish certain tasks, and more.

As an office team, you need timesheets to:

  • Improve your team's performance. The most important metric by which every team lead is judged is their team's performance. With a timesheet designed specifically for office teams, you’ll be able to gather all the necessary data you need to evaluate your team's performance and subsequently improve it. You can track the tasks of each individual team member, see how much time they need to complete those tasks, and compare work times and accomplishments with those of other members of your team. 
  • Distribute the workload easily. By tracking the tasks and projects your team members are working on, you'll be able to monitor your team's availability. This will make managing your team’s workload much easier and more efficient. You’ll be able to pinpoint which of your team members have too much on their plate and might need additional help and which are not utilizing their work time to the fullest and could be moved to assist their colleagues.
  • Monitor progress. With the timesheet data, monitoring your team's progress toward reaching set goals or completing a project will only be a couple of clicks away.

Timesheet Templates for Office Teams

Free weekly timesheet template for Excel Word PDF

Pros and Cons
of using spreadsheets for time tracking

Track time without the need to open another tab. Start timer or enter time manually right from the browser extension.


  • Both you and your team are likely to be familiar with spreadsheet tools.
    Spreadsheet tools are widely used and come as a  standard time tracking procedure for most organizations as they have an  intuitive learning curve. Mastering them, on the other hand, is a whole  different thing.
  • Free of charge.
    The most popular spreadsheet software, such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, is free to download.
  • Your team is used to workflows that correlate with spreadsheet approvals.
    They’re accustomed to sending their timesheets via email or storing them in a common repository. Once you have a time tracking policy for your company, you can easily integrate time tracking into the workflow using spreadsheets.
  • Spreadsheets are the most common method of integrating data with other systems. Managers can either analyze the time entry data with a business intelligence tool or integrate the approved timesheets with dedicated payroll software.


  • Despite their intuitive learning curve, spreadsheets are not very user-friendly. Keeping timesheet spreadsheets up to date can become a cumbersome and time-consuming task. Moreover, if you’re using a mobile device, your thumbs might become sore.
  • Tracing previous spreadsheet versions may leave you lost in history.
    Spreadsheets can be edited by anyone with access, which is why it’s hard to see who made the last changes. Online spreadsheets usually have a version history but they are most commonly downloaded locally and forwarded via email.
  • Spreadsheets are prone to human error and data loss. There can be cases where employees misenter their work data, forget to send their timesheets altogether, or end up sending them to the wrong person. When a company systemizes its workflow with spreadsheets and chain emails, some data might slip through the cracks.
  • Spreadsheets require too much administrative work.  Managers usually have to remind employees to submit their timesheets on time, collect them into a common format, and make sure they are timely forwarded to accounting or another responsible department. This takes a lot of time that managers could otherwise spend on more important tasks.

Timesheet Calculator for Office Teams

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You can use our timesheet calculator to track your team’s work hours. And, if you pair our free timesheet calculator with our free template timesheet for office teams, you’ll improve your team’s performance in no time. 

A timesheet calculator will do all the math for you. You can calculate your team's work hours for each day of the week. Add overtime, absence, breaks, and even weekends for those high-performing team members, and you’ll have no trouble evaluating their performance.

Timesheet Calculator for Office Teams

Our timesheet calculator is free to use and allows you to do the following:

  • Track work time with the help of some necessary tools like entering work hours and breaks with keyboard-only input. The only clicks you need are “Calculate” and “Download”.
  • Calculate overtime.
  • Calculate payroll or billing with hourly rates.
  • Include employee absences and attendance information.
  • Download the finished timesheet as a PDF file. You can send this PDF file to your accounting department if you want them to check it before sending it as an invoice or instructing your employees to do that instead.
  • Make use of the advanced features that allow you to embed the timesheet on your website, integrate it with Google Sheets, or create a bookmark with pre-defined settings.

Timesheet App for Office Teams

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Timesheet App for Office Teams

The best way to improve your team's performance is to gather all the required data and evaluate it. This data can be created and gathered manually, but it will be a time sink for both team leads (who need to check that data) and team members (who need to input it).

By enhancing the way you collect data about an office team’s performance, work hours, and task completion rate, you can improve your project management skills with ease.

With our timesheet app, you’ll know exactly when individual team members need encouragement or guidance. You’ll also be able to pinpoint the top performers and use that information to improve the morale and cohesion of your team. Track your team’s tasks, work hours, and project progression, create reports and use them for the company's inner dealings, reviews, and more.

Tired of messy spreadsheets? Give My Hours, online timesheet app a try.

  • Every employee gets their own credentials to access the timesheet app. The app is accessible from both mobile devices and desktop platforms. Its intuitive interface is identical on all platforms as user experience is something we don’t compromise on.
  • With My Hours roles, you can regulate who sees what without over-engineered permission setting hacks.
  • The submitted timesheets can be summed up in real-time reports without losing time creating custom reports.
  • Standardized platform units such as projects and tasks give way to a simplified reporting process and eliminate the loss of data due to human error.
  • The costs and billable amounts are automatically calculated with precisely defined rates.
  • Managers can set up budgets and enable their teams to track the budget in real time.
  • The software can be used to create timesheet reminders, approvals, and timesheet locking mechanisms that automate the workflow and leave more time for creative work.
  • The mobile time tracking app can be used to enter timesheets, assign tasks, and analyze the team’s progress on the go.
  • The software includes a full audit log of all the changes for auditing purposes.

Waste no more time,
jump right in!

Get started - it’s free
My Hours is free for teams of up to 5 users.